Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Creativity At Work

Yesterday was my god son Connor's first day of Kindergarten. He is growing up so fast. First day of school and he is already too cool for hugs and kisses. As soon as Connor saw the other kids sitting on the floor in the class he took off. I know Kindergarten teachers have aides but two people against 15 sugar high five year olds? It makes me wonder how big their liquor cabinet is at home...

I reread a quilting magazine from last year on my lunch break. There was an article about a woman who creates her own designs and shares her inspiration. I feel so bad because I went through probably five old magazines and now I can't find the article to give more details. She basically pulls her information from everything around her but she also has a million and one WIP. I swear with every few new quilting magazines I read I gain one more work in progress myself since I simply cannot wait to start.

The article got me thinking about the possibility of creating my own designs. I came up with a few ideas but drawing them will be difficult, especially when I have no graph paper.

Is there a software out there to help design quilts???

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