Sewing Machines

Once, in a quilting era long long ago, there was a world of skilled women who sewed and quilted EVERYTHING by hand. The patience that must have taken. Some even worked in factories or tailor shops sewing by hand. Long, labor intense hours were spent making garments and other such products.

During the first Industrial Revolution, sewing machines were invented to lower the amount of manual labor put into a project in factories. Soon after, home sewing machines, thought to be the first designs of  Englishman Thomas Saint in 1790, became popular.

Finding the perfect sewing machine to fit your needs may take some time and research. I am in search of a new sewing machine myself  since the one I am currently using is my mother's. It is a Kenmore MiniUultra, very light weight and perfect for traveling. What it makes up for in weight and durability is its lack of functions and stitches. I have been shopping around and I hope some of the information I have found could be helpful.

Helpful hints and free shipping on items over $49, this website has a large amount of information and products to look at. Here is where most of my research was done in the industry.

There are many types of sewing machines, so it helps to know what you can do with one!
  • Embroidery. Sews designs and text onto fabric.
  • Quilting. Sews many layers of fabric into a padded material.
  • Serging. Wraps thread around the fabric edge and trims excess seam.
  • Cover stitching. Wraps thread around the edge without trimming.
  • Felting. Sews fabrics without thread.
  • Blind hemming. Makes stitches that are not seen.
  • Sewing. Of course!
Some of the different machine brands include:

Sewing With Nancy
Long Arm Quilting
The brands in bold are the only one I have ever heard of. I went looking through the site and here are the machines I liked for quilting and other projects. The customer reviews come from

(includes computer software)

Consumer Digest Best Buy!

Singer 2932 $159.99

(Commercial Grade)

(comes with sewing table)

Janome 3128 $119**

Rex RX3300 $149
*This is the machine I am leaning towards purchasing.
**This machine is exactly like the one I use now, only a different brand.
 With a fair amount of research and shopping around, you will find the perfect sewing machine for you. It may take a few buys or just one but there is a machine out there just for you. Don't get discouraged or give up and just buy a random machine. Do your homework and instead of a gold star you'll get the best machine. Happy shopping...

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